Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Things In Herds

I've joined MySpace and asked all the bands I've given good reviews to add me as a friend (probably 1/3 of the bands are already on there). I have a few friends now and I have been going through istening to the tracks online. This led me back to Things In Herds. Pete first sent me his demo album when I had a rubbish site with just a few short reviews of Indie albums. I reviewed his album and over the next six months something happened - the site developed into one that reviewed demo/self-produced CDs. His album became a favourite with not just me but my wife and little boy. I don't suppose he'll remember now but we three used to dance around to "I Can Walking and Dancing" when he was just 18 months old.

We were dancing when I was out of work and we were facing the prospect of losing the house we'd just bought. Eventually we did have to sell the house because of debts and I had to work away from home for more than two years. During that time Things In Herds sent me the second album "Everything Has To End Somewhere" and it was devastatingly beautiful.

Listening to some of the songs again is a really emotional experience. It's what music is all about and I can name a hundred bands I have loved and left behind - but Things In Herds will never leave me.


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